Category Archives: Prophecy and dreams and visions

I had a Dream last night.

I don’t know what it means.

I woke up this morning about 4:30 am after a dream, and for some reason I had to write it down in a little journal.  Which is odd, considering that I am not a “journaler” or diary writer.  Usually, I forget dreams after waking up, but writing this one down kept it fresh.

It’s probably not important, but since resolving to pay more attention to such things, and since it seems to concern events that have happened or will happen, it’s written down here in this blog as well.  Maybe someone who reads this will recognize it.

The dream was in black and white and gray, and in the style of a movie from the early 1950s.  That was evident from the way people dressed and spoke.  The people involved were all under 30, mostly in the teens and early twenties.  It takes place in a hotel, or other semi-public venue, mostly in a large room with high ceilings and many windows, old style “house” type windows that you unlock and raise, with multiple small panes of glass.

Though no one is in uniform, all of the young people are either in the military or the sons and daughters of military men.  It’s an informal gathering, with young people, male and female, mingling, talking and enjoying refreshments.  One young man is annoying and harassing a young woman, to the point she seems to be nearly in tears.  A soldier steps up to aid the woman and ejects the man harassing her.

By their subsequent conversation (though I can’t for the life of me remember the exact words, so no quotes), the soldier revels that the man he ejected from the gathering is the son of a general who has a reputation for troublemaking.  He never seems to get in trouble for his actions because his father protects him.  The soldier is glad that he is a “short timer” and will soon be out of the situation of confronting the general’s son, as it seems that is a continuous issue between the two of them for some reason.  The feeling is the soldier is some kind of chaperone and is there in a semi-official capacity to “keep an eye on things”.  He seems to be older than the rest, not really that much, but at least more mature.

After this conversation with the young woman, while still standing next to her, the soldier suddenly shouts out in pain, and falls to the floor with a gaping wound in his right calf.   This causes most of the people gathered there to “run-away” though the young woman attempts to aid the soldier into the hallway, where he dies from the wound.

This caused a great scandal and controversy because the general’s son is accused of murdering the soldier.

I don’t know the rest of the story from there because this is where I woke.

So I honestly have NO idea of when, or where, or even if this occurred.  But the impression is that the events are somewhere on the east coast of the USA, in a city near the ocean sometime in the late 1940s or early 1950s.  It is something that is still unresolved, and may be a painful memory for someone.