The difference between the Holy Spirit Gift of Prophecy, and the Office of Prophet

“Hey, don’t tell ME how to run my life!”
or: The Caring or the Karen

Before I go any further with that, you need to realize that “prophet” and “prophecy” cannot be used to excuse bad behavior.  Telling someone off because they annoy you, is NOT a prophetic word.

The Office of “Prophet” is a very uncomfortable place to be in a modern church, or anywhere else for that matter.

Have a seat.
Have a seat, the Pastor will be with you in a moment.

Most of the time prophecy will get them in trouble.
Also “prophet” is as much a personality type as it is a ministerial office, if you are a “prophet” you cannot help but to “prophesy”, rightly or wrongly.  It takes some wisdom to know WHEN it is the right time to prophesy, and The Holy Spirit to prophesy truly.  The bad part of that is you don’t have to have the Holy Spirit to have that personality.  You don’t even have to be Christian.

Balaam was an actual prophet (Numbers 24:2-9) and was very well regarded as a seer and a wiseman by the Moabites.  He had the inclination to prophesy, and he drew from the “spiritual realm” (divination) to make accurate (mostly) predictions.  It wasn’t from the spirit of God, however, and when God actually spoke to him, he failed even though he saw the results (Numbers 20:26-34).

Many people can be recognized as a “prophetic” personality by the fact that they just cannot shut up about a perceived wrong or danger to the point of obsessiveness.  Sometimes a prophet can predict enough right to gain some respect from their peers, but without the Spirit of God to guide them they fall into the same trap as Balaam.  Blinded by materialism and the love of wealth or using false spiritualism.
Even FALSE prophets ARE prophets.  
Like any of the many gifts God has given to mankind, the gift of being a “prophet” can be turned by Satan into something unholy and false.

Let me state for the record in NO uncertain terms:
Seers, fortune tellers. diviners, “psychics” and others of that lot ARE NOT TRUE PROPHETS.
You CAN NOT talk to the dead.
You CAN NOT foretell a person’s future.
You CAN NOT visit the private places in a person’s mind and “read their thoughts”.

I see your future.
The crystal ball says you give me money!

There might be certain innate senses manifested in a very few people that enhances the ability to “read” a person by physical and emotional clues (empathy), and sometimes accurately guess what is on their mind.  There might be an almost instinctual ability to find things such as water (water witch), which would be a useful survival trait.  Everybody DOES have an ability to sense trouble or opportunity in varying degrees (gut feeling).
There is a variety of semi-instinctual senses that cannot always be defined by the 5 we use normally.
These are very ordinary human traits.

But if you think you are talking to the dead, you are talking to a demon, and not your great grandmother, or deceased relative.
You can see visions of what would seem to be future events, but if they are not delivered to you by the Spirit of God, then they are delivered to you by the spirit of perdition for evil purposes, whether true or not.
You can seem to hear the inner thoughts of a person, but I guarantee you are only hearing the voice of a demon, mocking them and fooling you.

The trap of “spiritualism“, and it’s secular analogue ESP or “psychic abilities” is that they draw you away from the true spirituality of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.  It is not a power INSIDE of you but is something that is given to you from a spiritual being.  You DON’T need Ayahuasca, DMT. Kundalini Meditation, crystals (ball shaped or otherwise), to prophesy.

You need Jesus, the Holy Spirit and prayer.

Rags to Riches to Rags
or: OCD is a Prophet’s curse!

There is usually one of two things that are noticed when you first meet a person with a prophetic calling:
Either how completely ordinary, “normal” or even basic he seems … at first …
or …
How strung out, paranoid, manic and weird he is.

I SAW things!

Spiritual manifestations can be horrifying.
A person who has a ministry calling, has it from birth.  You will be naturally drawn to do what you’re called to do.  Few people know what they are called to do until adulthood, and some NEVER know, but just do the jobs/careers closest to what their ministry would be.  But Satan does know, as he is a spiritual being, and can see through to your spiritual self.  Those called to the prophetic are uniquely dangerous to the principalities and powers that rule this world, because they are drawn to exposing them.
Prophets can see the lies as lies.  They don’t always see the truth as truth.  But they BURN with the desire to find it.  This can lead them down rabbit holes of corruption and horror.

Chances are you know this person, the guy with “The Truth is Out There” posters and the JFK books and UFO films.  The guy that thinks people are following them (because they probably are).  Even the guy who seems “normal” … you just haven’t been in his basement yet … no one wants to be that crazy guy.
But it is a natural consequence:
The more evil and corruption exists, the more prophets exist to expose it.

So, what does OCD have to do with it?
Easy.  You are always looking twice, maybe three times behind you, into the room you just left, triple checking the door you just locked.  You KNOW for a fact you are watched, followed and recorded.  You may even talk out loud to the ones you know are listening.  This will make you seem “crazy”, but it is almost a compulsion.
The thing is: if you have that calling, there is a real, spiritual and physical surveillance that exists to corrupt you, control you and thwart you in every possible way.

This exists for everybody, but a prophet sees it manifested.

That mother * isn't real!

Just because I am crazy doesn’t mean they are not out to get you!

Crazy is just a state of mind
or: “If you are a lizard man, you have to tell me, right?”

OK, now I have this written down.
THAT of course, is part of the compulsion.  It’s been bothering me for weeks to complete this article and write more.  Being a naturally lazy person, I work in spurts.  Nothing for a long time then mountains of text.

I imagine that you, whoever has read to the end of this article, probably thinks I need professional help.  Well, maybe, but I haven’t yet told you about seeing angels and demons EVERYWHERE, as well as the actual physical surveillance that all of us are under.  I for one think that the help needed is physical and spiritual counter espionage (if there is such a thing?).

But you can tell a prophet by two things:
1. How insane are the things he says.
2. How right he turns out to be.

More on that next article.