What is God?

Life, the Universe, and Everything from the perspective of a silly little puny human being…

When you look around yourself and start to realize mortality, and the seeming insignificance of life, it’s hard to maintain a healthy “get up and go” attitude.  Especially when you have a lot of time on your hands.
But if you look at things with a Christian perspective, you realize that the reason God gives you “time on your hands” is that He expects you to do something with it, and then share it with other equally fallible and insignificant people.  This is my attempt at that.

After knocking around the religious “churchian” world for a while, you come in contact with many different ministries. most of which start out, at least, with a very good hearted, God centered ideology/doctrine.  That of helping people in crisis, and spreading the Gospel.  But we all suffer from a very human condition: we only see things through our eyes and hear with our ears, and only understand things vaguely through a filter of our own understanding.  Even if God himself sends an angel to sit on our head, and deliver a message with thunder, straight to our heart, we will often stray off with our own ego to fulfill our fleshly yearnings and desires.  At least He gives us grace, thank you God.

But there is one thing I have noticed, both in Christians, and seekers who don’t know him: A fundamental lack of understanding about who and what God really is.  Not that there is some special thing about my perspective, there is just as much lack on my part as anyone’s.
But there is this:
People tend to take doctrines and scriptures as fundamental truths, but they don’t ask themselves, or think about the very concept of “God Almighty”, what does it mean exactly, and how does it effect your relationship to that person?
Because that is the fundamental thing about God, He is a PERSON.

What do we know about God?
Casting aside for a moment all of the doctrine we learn from other completely fallible people, we know several indisputable things about Him:
1. God created everything.
2. The ONLY thing that God cannot do is lie.
3. There is nothing that God cannot control, create, recreate, uncreate or destroy utterly.
4. There is nothing that God doesn’t know.  No secrets.
5. God, Himself, is ultimately a Person, who thinks, and has emotions.
6. God does not make mistakes and His judgement is always sound.

Now we can find Biblical backing for each of those 6 statements.  But that is not the point.  The point is to examine these concepts through fresh eyes, with logic and reason (which because #1, God created, just saying).  Not for the purpose of “proving” God, because that isn’t possible, but for the purpose of understanding what it means to us who seek to truly “know” Him.

1. God created everything.
There is no “before God”.
We know our personal history, we remember our lives, and know our parentage, ancestry, and culture.  Those things exist for us because of our memories of our personal existence, and through the relationship we have with elders, parents and grandparents etc., we know of a “before us”.  That is one reason we get twisted up sometimes, because we don’t understand and can argue the “existence” of God because who made GOD?  We don’t see that as backwards.
The fact is, there is no “existence of God”.  God is, by definition “existence”.
We call God, “The Father”, because through Him everything exists.  He is ultimately the parent of everything, even Himself.

2. The ONLY thing that God cannot do is lie.
That is because anything that God says comes to pass.  Everything that exists “became” because God said a word about it.  The world, the universe, time anything you can think of that exists, and the 99.99999% that you can’t even think of.
We don’t understand that because we can lie SO easily.
But we don’t have that power of words that God has, because He never gave it to us.  He made us in his image, though, so we can create as He does, but imperfectly.  What we say doesn’t come to pass because we SAY it.
This may lead some to a false idea that God created the “lie”.
What HE did, was create individuals with free will, with the ability to conceive in their minds things that do not exist, but without the power to bring it into existence simply by SAYING it with our mouth.
This is His gift to us all, and like all good things God has given us it is like a two edged sword.
Because we can conceive in our minds new things that do not exist, we can bring new things into being.  That is where all art, science, engineering, philosophy, technology comes from.
Because we have free will, we are not bound and forced to do only the thing that God wants of us, we can direct ourselves.  This is where war, crimes, lies and evil come from.
Because we are “mortal”, and our lives end ultimately, we have to suffer the consequences of our free will.  This is where disease, death, pain and heartbreak come from, but also love, joy, peace, family and freedom.

3. There is nothing that God cannot control, create, recreate, uncreate or destroy utterly.
Keeping in context of a person that can bring things into being simply by saying them, a person which created time and space is not bound by those things.  There is nothing that is, now, was before, or ever will be that cannot be undone simply by God saying “you never existed”.  This person is not bound by our understanding, by our perception of time, our idea of “reality”, our wants, fears, philosophies, creations, foes, family are as nothing.
It’s not enough to say that He is all powerful, because He is all power.  As in all there is.

4. There is nothing that God doesn’t know.  No secrets.
If this person isn’t bound by any of the things we are, time, space, are not walls to Him, then even if we had the power to “hide” our thoughts and actions from him, He would be able to go and find them if He willed.  There is nothing in the natural world He doesn’t know, because He created it all.  There is nothing in the spiritual world He doesn’t know, because…well…He created it, too.

5. God, Himself, is ultimately a Person, who thinks, and has emotions.
We were created in God’s image.  All of the things that make us as we are, are the things that God is.  The free will, the ability to create, and the ability to love, hate, be angry, be happy, be sad, be joyful are the things and abilities we share WITH God.  This eternal person is called “The Father” for a reason.  He is our family.  He watches over us with both the pride, and sometimes shame, that our fleshly fathers have for us.  He loves us as a father would, but with the ability to do so without the failures we as earthly fathers sometimes have.  This Father wants to guide us, help us to grow, provide for us and give us the ability to make the right, worthy, moral, healthy and righteous decisions as free willed individuals.   He wants a relationship with us.

6. God does not make mistakes and His judgement is always sound.
As God is existence, power, life, knows everything and our own Father who truly loves us, there is nothing we can do in life that would be better than to trust His judgement.  We have a hearing problem, though.  It’s not totally our fault, but it is our responsibility to correct it.
So, I hear. “pray, read, and pray some more” a lot from Christians.  It’s good advice, but it’s not good enough.  God is a PERSON not some “force” or special power, or ghost or alien thing.  He is LIKE US, if we were perfect, LOVES US like a Father loves His babies, and WANTS to have that relationship WITH US.
Talk to Him, question Him, fight with Him if necessary, you would fight with your own father sometimes it’s necessary.
Most of all, THINK about him, meditate on what He is, maybe WHY He is.

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