ChatGPT, what the heck?

I’m not overly impressed.
Sorry, just not the world shattering, humanity ending terminator some people are making it out to be.

That being said, I am impressed.  It does seem to be a fair implementation of a text based conversational interface to a large computer system with a comprehensive database.  Something along the lines of the “computer” in various Star Trek series, just without the ability to respond to verbal commands and queries…well verbally, if that makes sense.  For the most part, any inquiries as to its “thoughts” or perceptions of any topic, elicits this response or similar:
“As an AI language model, I don’t have personal thoughts or opinions. However, I can provide information on the topic of…” followed by a detailed output of data on the topic at hand.  Both very well formatted and human readable I might add.

Surely this particular implementation is still “buggy as hell”, and needs a lot of work, and probably suffers from a surfeit of programmer personal prejudice.  It does take great pains to offer a balanced, fact-based response to any inquiries.  Well at least according to the information it has available.  But it is really quite remarkable for a “chatbot”.  I can see where groups of guys trying to make a living at call centers in India, would start to think this is “the end of the world as we know it”.  It’s certainly the beginning of the end for that world, and let’s face it, a much better implementation of the English Language as well.

Now I have friends who seem to think that this is “SkyNet” and the nukes are right behind it.  I am not really sure that it would be in our best interests to put weapons of mass destruction in the hands of the Chatbot replacement for the Indian call center, either.  But…considering the massively dysfunctional dementia prone, stair tripping brainless boob who is carrying the “FOOTBALL” right now, well the call center bro ain’t looking too bad.
I hear he is needing a job soon….?