Full disclosure: Prophecy, Callings, the “End Times” … and context

First of all, Context:

Oh, to be trapped on an island, thousands of miles from the “mainland”.  Run by people who hate you and want to kill you and take your stuff!  Such fun!
Lahaina Wild fire Aug. 8. 2023
No alarms warn you, even with the world’s most elaborate siren warning system.  Water is straight up DENIED to firefighters by the unelected government goon in charge of such things for HOURS.  The police block all exits, roads, etc. going out of the fire area and turn people back into the fire rather than helping them to escape.  Food, water and medicine relief actively blocked.  Federal government employees sent there to “help” put up in luxury resort hotels for thousands of dollars a day while people who have lost everything “allowed” a pittance onetime payment most of them can’t even get.  The governor of said island, in his “wisdom” and clairvoyant far sightedness declaring a “state of emergency” three weeks prior to the fire giving emergency powers to another unelected government goon over building permits and environmental laws to BYPASS them as needed.  Then two days after the fire declaring his intention to “buy” up generationally owned properties and (I guess) “Build Back Better”.

You getting where I am going here?

This is not an article about Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. There are plenty of people who are there and can report far better on it than I can.  They are TRYING to, and you need to PAY ATTENTION.
HustleBitch (@HustleBitch_) / X (twitter.com)
lahaina fire coverup – YouTube
Brush Junkie – YouTube

No, this is an illustration.  A reflection.  A warning.

The “government” (Federal, State, Local) is not your friend.
The “police” are not your ally or friend.
They do not want to “help” you.
They are not there to “protect” you.
“Justice”, “right and wrong”, “morality” and “lawful conduct” are just words they use ON you.
“Governments” exist to tax, count, “oversee” and control you, ultimately to the point of killing you and taking your stuff.

The SOLE purpose of the “police” is to facilitate that by using force, finding ways to arrest (legally kidnap) you, and “gathering evidence” to convict you of a “crime”.  As a happy consequence of that, almost coincidentally, their presence tends to cut down, slightly, on actual criminals doing actual crimes like murder, rape, robbery and such.

Individuals, being what “individual” means, in government and police sometimes are good people, trying to do the “right thing”…”protect and serve”…<legalese weasel words>…blah blah blah (Please Don’t Shoot Me FBI?)…
But for the most part, people who seek out those positions are there for the power high.   This is something the founders of my country (USA USA USA) knew VERY well.  This is why they included the Bill of Rights into the constitution.
By the way (gruesome Newsome), anyone who seeks to “amend” ANY of those protected rights in ANY way is an enemy of liberty, and basically just wants to make it easier to kill you and take your stuff.  

Prophecy, Callings, the “End Times” …or, “What does this have to do with being a Christian and going to church and trying to walk with God?”

This article is directed mainly to American Christians who for the most part have completely screwed the pooch, dropped the ball, been deceived by good times and normalcy biases.  Thankfully some have begun to stir a little, rub their eyes, look around, and sleepily declare: “Wha…happen…huh?”
It only took a few years of degenerates rubbing their genitals in their children’s faces, the burning of our cities and businesses, the convergence and destruction of our institutions, the almost complete fall of western civilization and the potential threat of complete nuclear annihilation.
That’s all, no biggie.  Time for uppsies, sleepyheads.


Now I know it’s a busy day for you, lots to do.

You have to get little Ximmie up from xis bed, dressed in gender affirming clothes, pack xis LGBTQ+ books in the rainbow backpack and off to LGBTQ+ School in time for hormone shots.  Careful, don’t dawdle or make a mistake or the courts will take xim away, then where will you be.  No grandchildren AND no one to comfort you when you die from the mandatory coof booster.


Revelations Prophecy and you: or how I learned to stop worrying and paying attention and love the “Rapture”.

OK folks, fifty years of reading and searching the Bible, I have never seen ONE (1) single word saying, affirming, or even HINTING that Christ will come secretly and spirit away the church.

I was raised Baptist, so I have heard plenty of pastors proclaiming “Pre-Trib rapture”, one even had a time chart with all the scary stuff that happens to you if you’re “left behind”.
Sorry, I just don’t buy into it.  It does not make logical or spiritual sense.  Everywhere in the Bible, New and Old Testament the people left behind are God’s people.  Example: Noah and the Flood.  All the evil were carried away by the flood, and Noah and his family were left behind to inherit the earth.  That is just the first one of many examples, all through the New and Old Testaments, which is an article maybe for another day.  The point is: All through the Bible the Earth and the Goodness thereof has been the prize for the believers who overcome (“The meek shall inherit the Earth”), and the evil ones are the ones removed.

Doesn’t mean pre-trib Christians WON’T be raptured.  Enoch and Elijah were certainly taken up to heaven by God.  It just means it isn’t there, written down in plain language, now, is it?

Brief History of Rapture theology
This theory grew out of the translations of the Bible that John Nelson Darby (18 November 1800 – 29 April 1882) analyzed in 1833. Pretribulationism is the most widely held view among Christians believing in the rapture today.
It is not a part of traditional historic Christian doctrine.
Darby was certainly a man of God, he made his own English translation of the Bible, founded the Exclusive Brethren Church, was the father of the Dispensationalism doctrine, and influenced Cyrus Scofield’s Reference Bible in the U. S.
This is mostly pulled from infogalactic.com for brevity.  I may do a paper on Darby and Scofield and Anglo-American Christian doctrine at a later date.

Pretribulationism is a dangerous doctrine.
Not because it is a “false” doctrine, necessarily, though it is widely disputed.
Because it leads Christians, especially American Christians, to a false sense of security, that nothing horrible will happen to them because God will rapture them away.  You know, just like He raptured the Soviet Christians away from Stalin?  Or the Syrian Christians away from ISIS?  Or maybe like the Roman Christians away from Nero?

We may well see a one world government, the mark of the beast. the persecution of saints and the Anti-Christ before we see the face of Jesus.  There certainly are hard times coming for Christians in America, some would say they are already here.

Brothers and Sisters, if that day comes, will you despair, believe you have missed the Rapture, submit to the devil and go to hell?  Or will you stand, stay fast in the faith in Christ until you see Jesus?

Full Disclosure: or “Why my heart and soul is strong, but my body and mind are weak”

I have a prophecy from God, it was to me personally.  Don’t ask me for proof, He didn’t print me out a certificate or anything.
1999, as I lay in bed at night with my wife, sleepless and praying for answers to our many troubles, The Holy Spirit came to me and talked to me, not so much in a voice in my ear, but with a terrifying thumping voice in my heart.
I had to pause here to collect my thoughts and stop trembling…seriously, just remembering it makes me tremble and hyperventilate.
He told me:
I will make you a prophet, and a leader and a witness in the last days.
Nothing more than that.  The ONLY thing I could think of was something like “please, just don’t squish me … I’ll do anything you want as long as you MAKE IT STOP.”  To this day, if anyone tells me they had a word direct from God Almighty and they weren’t absolutely terrified during it, I have to giggle a little to myself and think, “well either no you didn’t or maybe there was an Angel sent to buffer it a little”.

Anyway, I kept it to myself until today, never told ANYONE.  I tried many times, but it just wouldn’t come out, and maybe rightly so.

At the time we were staying in a garage at the back of our church in Norwalk, CA.  We had been kicked out of our rented house, and our 5 children had been taken from us by the state.  That was at the start of a long period of court battles where we were basically homeless and powerless, and the state was free to make whatever allegations against us they wanted and punish our family…no proof required by the way.  No car, as it was wrecked in an accident. So, I had to go to work in Irvine by buss.  I lost THAT job because of stress.
No reputation, homeless, and struggling.  No one would seem to believe me or believe in me.

So, story short, *I* wasn’t ready.  The circumstances of our lives are not really a barrier unless you make them so.  My circumstance has not changed that much from years ago.  Since then, it’s gone up and down.  I live alone now, pretty much off the grid.  But the experience of life has put me in a place to finally be the person and do the things that God wants me to do.

I will tell you more in another post.